Release Me Tuesday

As always, itunes is full of new releases today. Kings of Leon’s follow-up to their 2008 hit album, ‘Only By The Night’ is released today. ‘Come Around Sundown’ is proceeded by lead single ‘Radioactive’, which was released in mid-September. After the critical and commercial success from their last album, the anticipation was high for this album. I actually liked their campaign for this album, because many people thought they had sold out after finding success. With little promotional push, it will be interesting to see who the true fans really are when the albums sales are counted next week.

Jazmine Sullivan released her second single ’10 Seconds’ from sophomore album ‘Love Me Back’. The song debuted at 94 this past week on the R&B chart. With her album dropping next month, ’10 Seconds’ should pick of speed quick if it wants to make a positive influence on album sales. R&B tracks usually take more time to pick up on itunes, so don’t expect any major moves next week.

Shakira released her new album ‘Sale El Sol’, which is the follow her to ‘She Wolf’. Even with a strong promotional push, her last album failed to ignite the charts. ‘Sale El Sol’ is mostly in spanish, but has some English songs. The album sees Shakira returning to her roots, with traditional sounding songs. Proceeded by lead single ‘Loca’, the album could be a contender for the top spot next week if Kings Of Leon fans show little support.

Other singles out this week are Deadmaus ‘Ghost N’ Stuff’, N.E.R.D. ‘Hypnotize You’, Soulja Boy ‘Speakers Going Hammer’ and Cee Lo Green ‘Old Fashioned’. I encourage you to pick up something you normally wouldn’t listen to this week. You never know which artist you may fall in love with, and its always good to expand you musical horizons.

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